Understanding Jewelry Making Tools and Practices

Understanding Jewelry Making Tools and Practices

  • Wedding Ring Store Primer: FAQs About Alternatives To Traditional Bands

    What is your ring style? You're ready to shop at the local wedding ring store, but you're not sure if standard gold bands are the right fit. Before you make an investment, take a look at what you need to know about alternative wedding ring styles and your options. Is Gold Your Only Option? No, gold is not your only wedding ring option. Even though solid gold bands are traditionally popular picks for brides and grooms-to-be, you don't have to buy this type of ring—or the classic yellow gold metal.

  • How To Choose The Perfect Engagement Ring To Fit Your Partner's Personality

    When you are ready to propose to your partner, you will want to choose an engagement ring that suits their personality. This can be a difficult task, as there are many different engagement ring styles and designs to choose from. However, by taking the time to consider your partner's taste, you can narrow down the choices and find the perfect engagement ring for them.  Here's how to choose the perfect engagement ring to fit your partner's personality

  • When To Take Your Fine Jewelry In For Repairs

    Having fine jewelry is a luxury you probably enjoy and you also probably want to make sure that your necklaces, earrings, rings, and bracelets stay in great shape. After all, fine jewelry is not cheap and you do not want any of it to lose its value. Therefore, you are going to want to make sure that you are well aware of when it is time to set up an appointment for jewelry repairs.

  • 2 Tips To Finding The Right Jeweler To Repair Your Jewelry

    When you have a piece of jewelry that you love, you want to make sure that you keep it in good shape all the time. But occasionally, you can run into problems. Those problems may mean that you need to have your jewelry fixed. For example, you may end up with a ring that is too tight for your finger if you have gained weight, or an earring that has had its post snap off, or a necklace that has had a stone fall out of it, or you may just have precious jewelry that you want to have cleaned.

  • Everything You Need to Know About Selling Silver Jewelry

    If you have ever looked in your jewelry box at multiple pieces of unworn silver jewelry and wondered aloud, "How do I sell my silver?" then this article is for you. Selling silver jewelry is an easy way to dispose of unwanted jewelry while earning some extra cash. Is it worth it to sell your silver? Selling silver jewelry and other sterling silver items is a good choice, especially if you have items that are not in use.

About Me

Understanding Jewelry Making Tools and Practices

Hello, my name is Belinda. I spend my spare time making jewelry for my friends and family. The jewelry making process that I use closely mimics the practices utilized by the professionals. I have a small kit of tools that I use to bend wire, set stones and create other decorative elements for my jewelry. I want to explore hobby and professional tools used for jewelry making on this site. I hope that I can inspire other people to pick up this fun and rewarding hobby. I will share new jewelry industry information on this site as it develops. Please visit often to learn about this topic.
